What’s Upper Eyelid Surgery?

Ageing affects different parts of the body, including the face. During ageing, eyelids undergo some adverse changes that make a face look tired, sad and older. The eyes are the first body parts to experience ageing signs. Fine lines or wrinkles may appear early, making you look tired and older.

In most cases, the skin around your eyes may get droopy, leading to difficulties in opening or closing your eyelids. Luckily, a plastic surgery procedure can help you lift your eyelids, making you look younger. I'll provide helpful information about eyelid surgery in this article.

Skin loses firmness and laxity over time as a result of various reasons, such as heredity and gravity. Drooping starts earlier on outer body parts where the skin is heavier, eyelids, for example. When a surgeon removes the excess upper eyelid skin through a horizontal incision, that process is known as upper eyelid surgery.

Upper and Lower Eye Surgery: What is the Difference?

There are two types of eyelid surgeries in Turkey, which include upper and lower. Upper eye surgery removes excess fat and skin caused by heredity or ageing. The main goal of this type of plastic surgery is to provide you with a much-needed rejuvenated and rested appearance.

On the other hand, lower-eye surgery helps to eliminate under-eye bags. It involves an outer incision along the eye's lash line, effectively preventing scarring. Patients with under-eye bags and drooping upper eyelids can take advantage of both upper and lower eyelid surgery in Turkey. Other types of eyelid surgery include Asian and Almond surgeries.

Recovery after Eye Surgery in Turkey

Eye surgery results in Turkey are visible just after the procedure. It’s normal to experience swelling between three and four weeks. During the first few months, scars appear pink, but they’ll progressively disappear and become nearly invisible clear lines.

Experienced Turkey surgeons prescribe scar and healing creams, which enhance quick recovery. Provided patients follow all the post-operative guidelines; the procedure doesn't result in any complications. The results of upper eye surgery in Turkey remain for many years, and in most cases, they're permanent.

Final Thoughts

After a successful upper and lower eye surgery in Turkey, you'll have achieved increased self-esteem, natural-looking eyelids and a youthful look.

To find out more information about the best blepharoplasty services in Turkey, be sure to keep in touch with our experienced team of experts.


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