The consequences of poor teeth hygiene may result in the oral cavity, and in the long perspective loss of teeth. In such a case, the implantation of teeth is one of the best solutions for the patients seeking help. Yet, it may occur that the procedure is impossible due to the bad condition of the tissues. Sinus lift in Turkey may be performed to help those who suffer from bone tissue atrophy.

What is a sinus lift?

Bone tissue atrophy caused by the irresponsible behaviour of patients is a serious threat to missing tooth implantation. The condition does not appear without reason but is the consequence of ignoring dental diseases for a long time. 

It also appears as a result of no activity after a loss of a tooth. The atrophy, in this case, appears no longer than three months later. The bone becomes lower and narrower and makes upper jaw implantation impossible. 

The only help to this irreversible process is sinus lift surgery. To perform it, a dentist uses bone-filling materials, placed in the maxillary sinuses. 

Sinus lift procedure 

The sinus lift is preceded by a thorough examination done by the dentist, who needs to assess the overall state of teeth. You may expect preliminary consultation, spiral computed tomography, and finally a dental model preparation. Not following the given steps may lead to sinus lift long-term side effects. 

Local anaesthesia is required to perform a sinus lift procedure. It gets injected into the tissue plane and moves across the adipose tissue, to reach nerve fibres. That eliminates pain for 1-2 hours. 

In the sinus lift procedure, the cavity is filled with ground bone, coming from the patient or a donor. It’s also possible to use the hypoallergenic bone expletive substances. Getting stitches, and antiseptics finish the sinus lift, and a dental implant may be installed. 

Sinus lift implant procedure risks 

As with any surgery, there may be some side effects. It’s important for the patients to observe their condition in order to detect sinus lift failure symptoms. They may include increasing or not decreasing swelling and pain, a fever, the moment of the bone-like material, bleeding longer than two days, or bleeding becoming constant. 

Patients need also to be aware of the sinus lift long-term side effects, such as sinus infection, sinus membrane rupture, bone fractures, infraorbital nerve injuries, or displacement of implants into the maxillary sinus. 

The risk of complications is really low, so there is no need to hesitate. If you are dreaming of a white smile but suffer from bone tissue atrophy, find the best dental clinic for sinus lift in Turkey. Sinus lift implant surgery may surely change your life for the better.

Chef Physician
Ahmet Çağatay Kavaz
Dental Specialist
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