If you have been researching hair restoration surgery, you will likely have come across the follicular unit extraction, or fue, method. While this is one of the most popular treatments out there for a host of reasons, there is a more modern technique on offer - sapphire fue hair transplantation.

Sapphire Fue Turkey - an innovative improvement

The sapphire fue hair transplant functions in much the same way as a traditional fue procedure but with one major difference - the blades used are made from the precious gem sapphire, rather than the more commonly used stainless steel. Taking the lead with innovative procedures, highly skilled surgeons in Turkey are offering top services at well-appointed facilities, so that patients are not only comfortable and treated to a standard that they expect, but also while prioritising affordable yet effective results.

How does the sapphire fue treatment differ from traditional fue transplants?

The difference in these two procedures comes when the microchannels are made in the target area of the transplant. Sapphire blades are more precise and provide smaller incisions that will leave less scarring and take less time to heal. As the notches created will determine the density of regrowth as well as the direction, having a more precise, angled cut will ensure the most natural-looking results long term.

With all fue hair transplants, there will be some hair fall after surgery. As sapphire-made incisions are typically as small as the follicle itself, there will be fewer chances for the hair to become dislodged and fall out or move from the implant position.

The success of the transplant will rely on the quality and even number of micro-channels created, so the sapphire fue transplant is a more worthwhile selection for individuals with a host of needs. Those with advanced hair loss will benefit the most however, as they will receive a fuller, more comprehensive hair transformation.

If you think you’d like to undergo the sapphire fue Turkey is the top destination for experienced, fully trained surgeons, high-quality healthcare facilities and an affordable price, so don’t wait any longer to book your treatment.

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