Having a younger, smooth and elastic skin is something desirable for most elderly individuals. In most cases, usually unnoticed, this elasticity starts to weaken once a person attains 20 years and above. This is due to reduction in collagen synthesis of body, and the natural ability of the cells to regenerate is also regresses. The outcome is an increasing skin slackening that results in wrinkle formation.

For some years now, doctors have practised a tried, tested, and proven anti-wrinkle technique, relying on the ability of the body to regenerate. Known as PRP therapy, this technique uses plasma from the body’s blood to ensure new collagen formation. PRP therapy triggers the renewal of cells, allowing the skin to regain volume and eliminate wrinkles. The final outcome is revitalised skin.

Vampire PRP facial is another name for PRP facial. It involves a small blood amount taken from a patient’s body and then centrifuged to form blood plasma. The doctor then injects the plasma into the deeper part of skin which Is called as dermis by the help of special needles.

After that, the growth factors inside of plasma  triggers a natural regeneration process that generates new cells, making the skin more elastic and fuller. If you get a highly trained doctor to do it professionally, it’ll help you eliminate wrinkles naturally.

PRP Facial Injections: Before and After Treatment

A PRP facial treatment doesn't require anaesthesia because it's between 15 to 20 minutes of a relatively painless process. The doctor will apply an anaesthetic cream on the injection sections if you request. 

The patient will notice the first effects after some days. Complete regeneration of cells takes between two and three months. The patient can be discharged immediately after the treatment and should not engage in sports and other strenuous activities for a while.

Who’s Eligible for this Procedure?

If you wish to revitalise and eliminate wrinkles or get rid of withered or damaged skin, you’re an ideal candidate for this procedure.

Also, if you’re suffering from face imperfections, including scars, spots and dark circles, PRP is a perfect option. Get in touch with our professionals to learn more about the cost of PRP facial in Turkey.

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