What are Lumineers Teeth?

Lumineers teeth are the most common dental veneers in Turkey and many other countries. They're the most preferred since they consist of a slim metal-free frame and offer a natural appearance. Lumineers teeth Turkey are an effective variety of veneers with upgraded protective properties.

As a result of their good light transmission properties, they look similar to natural teeth. Turkey is a perfect destination if you aren't satisfied with the appearance of your teeth and want to have a lasting solution. You can get back your beautiful smile by going through the dental lumineers procedure in Turkey.

I'll provide all the information you need about lumineers on teeth in this piece of content.

Lumineers teeth are a type of porcelain veneer in the plastic dentistry world. Unlike other veneer treatments, they consist of the thinnest and most translucent restoration materials. Plastic surgery dentists install them on the external surface without distorting the initial teeth.

They're custom created for each individual, so you can choose your favourite shape, colour and size to achieve the best outcome. Since they require minimal to no preparation, they're the most straightforward and quickest technique to create a perfect smile.

Lumineers 4 Front Teeth

Turkish plastic surgery dentists can help you if you’re struggling with any of these issues on your four front teeth.

  • Oddly shaped

  • Misalignment

  • Crowding

  • Stains

  • Chips

  • Gaps

  • Broken, short or uneven teeth.

A top-rated plastic surgery facility will help you solve multiple dental issues at once. That means you’re making a long-lasting investment in your dental aesthetic and health.

A smile makeover involves various restoration and cosmetic dentistry procedures, but it'll be more effective if you first correct the problems on your four front teeth.

Who’s Eligible for Lumineers Treatment?

The dentists’ recommendations determine who’s eligible for this type of treatment. Aside from its aesthetic value, it can be a must procedure in different situations.

Turkish cosmetic dentists recommend this procedure to individuals with teeth loss, dental caries, loss of teeth function and excessive teeth damage.

Patients can also decide to have a lumineers treatment if they want to enhance their smile aesthetic. All patients are eligible except those below 18 years.

Lumineers Teeth Side Effects

While lumineers teeth Turkey offer many benefits, there’re a few risks of this type of treatment. Lumineers veneers make the teeth feel thicker since dentists install the layer on the surface without reducing or cutting the enamel surface.

As a result of the thicker teeth, friction between the gums and the layer will be high. If this situation continues for a longer period, patients can suffer from minor diseases like scurvy and gingivitis.

The good news is that highly qualified dentists can prevent these issues by taking care of the contact points when installing the lumineers veneers.

Are Lumineers Better than Other Veneers?

All varieties of veneers match a certain type of dental problem. Lumineers can be a perfect choice if you prefer little work on your natural teeth.

It’s also a perfect option if you want a painless plastic surgery process that doesn’t require local anaesthetics. The lumineers teeth cost is also affordable. On the other side, you can prefer other veneers since they provide durable results compared to lumineers.

Up to this point, you can decide which option is a perfect match for you. Whether lumineers or veneers, Turkey has everything you need. Contact our highly qualified plastic surgery experts for more information.


Chef Physician
Ahmet Çağatay Kavaz
Dental Specialist
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