What is the first thing that comes to mind if someone asks to describe American actors? Without a doubt, lots of people will mention the white Hollywood smile. An imperfect smile may influence your self-confidence.  Learn everything about your Hollywood smile in Turkey - how much it costs, what the procedure is about, and if there are any disadvantages.

Hollywood smile dental - what is it about? 

The history of the Hollywood smile dates back to the 1940s when the actors glued white plates to their teeth for a flawless smile. Now, dental technology is so advanced that the total makeover of teeth is possible in almost each case. 

Hollywood smile, or Smile Infinity is the cosmetic dentistry procedure correcting all aesthetic problems with teeth. It includes whitening, but also the correction of teeth alignment, gummy smile, or replacement of a missing tooth. Hollywood smile dental makes lives of people better.

How to get the best Hollywood smile?

Hollywood smile teeth can only be achieved through an oral teeth examination. Your teeth need to be healthy so that there is no dental cavity or periodontal tissue.

What procedures may be necessary? It’s the decision of the dentist - a Hollywood smile specialist, who is the best person to detect any imperfections.

When your teeth require a general change of colour or shape, it’s recommended to use Emax veneers. Made of porcelain, it corrects the shape, colour, overlapping or gaps between the teeth. Trimming is the first step, as without it the veneers can come off easily. This is the way to achieve the best Hollywood smile when the problems are not so prominent.


For people with yellowish teeth, Hollywood smile dental center may offer teeth whitening. It’s quite easy to perform it, using a special gel and an LED light.

The replacement of a missing or damaged tooth is a more complex process. A recognised Hollywood smile dental clinic will guarantee the safety of the procedure, which requires local anaesthesia. The implant is inserted into the gum and sutured with a healing screw. Two or three months later, when the artificial roots are implanted, a dental prosthesis is performed.

Cost of Hollywood smile in Turkey

You can find excellent clinics offering Hollywood smile procedures in Istanbul and other cities in Turkey. The way to the Hollywood smile in Turkey is one-third of the prices in the UK. The improvement of aesthetics of all visible teeth, about 20 prostheses, veneers or/and dental crowns. It costs about 5.350 €. 

The price is not high, bearing in mind what difference it may bring to the quality of your life. Make sure you ask about the Hollywood smile procedure in Turkey prices in one of the recommended dental clinics and start a new life with a fabulous smile.


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Ahmet Çağatay Kavaz
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