When it comes to cosmetic surgery, many men feel like it is not something that is accessible or even catered to their needs. This isn’t always the case however and one such example is gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction surgery. Typically, men will need gynecomastia to target the chest area when glandular tissue becomes inflamed or additional fatty tissue builds up.

What is Gynecomastia surgery?

Men can be prone to enlarged breasts and this can be caused by an array of factors, such as hormonal disorders, weight gain, uneven distribution of fatty deposits and even heredity conditions. There are cases where this can even point to gynecomastia male breast cancer, so it can be extremely important to get medical advice.

When breast gynecomastia occurs in men, there can often be some stigma attached, but that’s where high-end gynecomastia surgery in Turkey can come in. Not only will patients be taken care of by expert surgeons in luxury facilities, but this can be undertaken quickly and anonymously for your peace of mind. 

What to expect from breast gynecomastia

There are two types of issues that can necessitate gynecomastia surgery, and these relate to either enlarged mammary glands or tissue, or the build-up of fat in the breast area. Each of these can lead to sagging and this type of surgery can also be used to remove excess skin. In most cases, surgery will be given a grade (or classification) and this will be determined by the size of the tissue or fat that needs to be removed.

  • Grade 1 is applied to men with small breast enlargement without excess skin

  • Grade 2 is applied to those with moderate breast enlargement without excess skin

  • Grade 3 is applied to men with moderate breast enlargement with excess skin

  • Grade 4 is applied to those with significant breast enlargement with excess skin

Gynecomastia surgery is typically performed under general anaesthesia and takes 1-2 hours to complete. For those graded at 1-2 gynecomastia, liposuction is the more common treatment, whereas grades 3-4 will typically need tissue excision to help flatten the chest and add a more natural contour. If the nipples have migrated due to tissue or fat build-up, resizing and repositioning of the areola may be necessary. This type of surgery isn’t typically classed as invasive and patients can expect to be back to health in less than two weeks. It is advised to avoid exercise and heavy lifting in that time to minimise risk and maximise results.

Is gynecomastia surgery suitable for everyone?

There aren’t many situations where gynecomastia will be refused and as you can perform consultations with a host of surgeries in Turkey over the phone or via video call, it can be simple to get quotes and advice to suit your needs. Many facilities have both state-of-the-art machinery and facilities, alongside leading surgeons who have undertaken the highest level of medical education.

Gynecomastia surgery is affordable and accessible, so there’s really no reason to suffer from excess breast tissue any longer.


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