When it comes to hair loss, no rule determines who will experience it and when. Men and women of all ages, nationalities and lifestyles can suffer from thinning or a decrease in hair density, but this doesn’t have to mean the end of the line for a healthy head of hair. One of the leading treatments on the market is the follicular unit extraction (fue) hair transplant - and with top surgeons in Turkey offering affordable treatments, now could be the perfect time to get booked in.

Fue Hair Transplant in Turkey

Fue hair transplants in Turkey are performed by trained surgeons who will use a micropunch device to remove individual hair follicles from the patient’s skin and implant them in the target area of the head or body. As long as the individual has enough hair to be used for the fue technique, they are likely to see worthwhile results.

The procedure will involve the surgeon shaving the hair in the locations where the healthy follicles will be removed and replaced. They will use a needle or similar small, sharp tools such as sapphire blades or slits  to make tiny incisions in the targeted regrowth area. From here they will use the micropunch tool to safely remove the follicles from the donor side and implant them to recipient side . The  area will then be cleaned and donor area  bandaged, ready for recovery.

Is the fue hair transplant in turkey safe?

As it is a minimally invasive procedure, the fue hair transplant is considered safe and comes with minimal to no side effects (individuals may experience minuscule scarring where follicles were extracted).

What is the cost of fue hair transplants in Turkey?

A fue hair transplant in Turkey costs around $2000 per session, but this will vary depending on the establishment you choose. The good news is that many surgeries offer packages that cover accommodation, so you will be able to have your session(s) and rest in comfort. Plus, getting this treatment done in Turkey is already usually much cheaper than in most places, which ensures that more people can enjoy beautiful, thick hair without putting a strain on their budget.

With all of the above in mind, now is the perfect time to get your treatment done - so why not reach out and book your appointment today?


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