Losing confidence, retreating from social life, emotional suffering, personal and work-related problems. It may be difficult for people who lose their hair to cope psychologically, making them feel old and insecure about their self-esteem. DHI Hair transplant in Turkey is the best solution to generic hair loss. Learn all about this innovative method, its pros and cons.

DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey

People experiencing hair loss seek solutions to improve their self-esteem. They want simple and effective methods which will make them look and feel better. DHI Hair transplant is an innovative treatment of restoring and increasing the volume of hair. The method requires the minimum of invasion by a dermatologist and three or more hair transplant technicians.

To perform the DHI hair transplant, in other words Direct Hair Implantation, the specialists use needles or other devices to spray the pressurised anaestethic into the skin. As the method uses the patient's own hairs, they’re removed from the donor area, usually from the back of the head. 

For this purpose special punches called Choi implanter pens are used. Such an implanter pen has a diameter of 0.7 mm, and has a special hollow needle that protects the hair follicles. Using the tip of the pen, the hair follicles are implanted into the balding areas of the scalp. Such a method of DHI hair transplant in Turkey can change the life of people with hair loss, thanks to its accuracy and precision. 

What are the advantages of DHI hair transplant? 

One of the greatest advantages of this innovative method is the lack of incisions. In the classic FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) transplant it’s necessary to perforate the skin. DHI hair transplant minimises the bleeding, and a faster recovery and wound healing. 

DHI Hair transplant has a very high success rate, and the survival rate of grafts is observed too. It’s possible thanks to the Choi implanter pen, which allows the specialists to immediately load the grafts into it. The reduction of the time the hair-bearing tissues are outside the body increases their survival rate.

DHI hair transplant cost and requirements 

If you are experiencing hair loss, you should definitely contact one of the clinics performing DHI hair transplant in Turkey. It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, and how old you are. The only condition is to have the proper hair density and the number of grafts which are required for the transplant. 

You shouldn’t worry about DHI hair transplant cost, as compared to other European countries, or the US, the prices in Turkey are affordable. The high-quality hair transplant will change your life, and help you regain your self-esteem and good look.

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