Is it your dream to have white teeth? Are you sad looking into the mirror, seeing yellowish teeth? Start thinking positively, and take care of yourself. Dental teeth whitening in Turkey may be the best decision of your life, giving you higher self-esteem, and a big smile every day. And if you smile more, you will feel happier every day. Learn all about dental teeth whitening in Turkey.

What is dental teeth whitening? 

People struggling with a lack of satisfaction due to the colour of their teeth may easily change their lives now. It doesn’t matter if your teeth are yellowish because of smoking, frequent consumption of certain foods or drinks, or medicines. In each of the cases, you may go for professional teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening treatment is not a complex procedure and with a qualified specialist performing it, you will get the maximum effect. To bleach teeth and achieve white colour, a dentist covers teeth with a special gel, with high content of hydrogen peroxide. Then a special medical argon laser activates the gel. It safes the dental tissues from damage.

Teeth whitening procedure 

You can whiten your teeth in a variety of ways, and some of them can even be done at home. However, professional teeth whitening, giving long and healthy results may be only achieved during the teeth whitening procedures. What does it look like?

The most important thing before the dentist starts dental teeth whitening is the examination of the patient’s oral cavity. There shouldn’t be any health issues appearing before the teeth whitening treatment may be started. 

The first step is professional teeth cleaning, removing superficial plaque. It’s necessary to determine the pre-whitening tone of the enamel, by use of colour palette. A retractor is in action then, and the tissues are isolated by cotton balls. Then dental teeth whitening may finally start. 

First, a protective gel is applied, and only after the whitening gel is used. It's time to activate the teeth whitening agent with a laser. The time of the whitening procedure depends on the gel concentration. When the time is over, the teeth get cleaned.

 The dentist may compare the effect with the colour palette. If the result is not fully satisfying, a repetitive gel application is required. Patients don’t need to wait for the result of the, as it’s visible right after cleaning all the gel layers. The final step is the application of a gel for restoration and remineralization of the enamel.

Are there any risks of teeth whitening? 

Teeth whitening does not pose too many risks. The most often side effect of the procedure of dental teeth whitening is sensitive teeth. Patients suffering from the problem before should definitely mention it at the beginning of the treatment. It will allow the dentist to adjust the duration or number of applications. 

In case of weakened or damaged enamel, professional teeth whitening is not suitable for patients below 18, pregnant or breastfeeding women. There is too high a risk of side effects if you are allergic to any medication, including hydrogen peroxide.

Teeth whitening cost

Dental teeth whitening is one of many aesthetic procedures you may go under while visiting Turkey. Not only can you meet one of the best specialists in the world here, but also the prices are highly competitive, with the best price/performance ratio in the world.

The teeth whitening price is not high when thinking about the final result, changing the colour of your teeth by 5 to 8 tones! Finding the best dental clinic in Turkey is the first step. Make an appointment and talk to an experiences dentist to hear what improvements can be done to the colour of your teeth.

Chef Physician
Ahmet Çağatay Kavaz
Dental Specialist
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