What is Eyelid Asian Surgery?

Turkish facial surgeons currently offer a new cosmetic care type that caters to the unique needs and requirements of Asian people. Also referred to as double eyelid surgery, the Asian eyelid surgical procedure is the most popular facial cosmetic surgery that Asian patients request.

Many Asians prefer the presence of creases in their eyelids as they consider it aesthetically desirable. As a result, most patients of Japanese/Chinese origin undergo eyelid Asian surgical treatment to create a skin crease. After successful surgeries in Turkey, patients' eyes appear more open, less tired and alert.

Eyelid Asian surgical process refers to an operation that adds a pretarsal crease under the eyes. After this procedure, the patient's eyes appear bigger, healthy, younger and more attractive.

While most Asians undergo an eyelid Asian surgical process for aesthetic and cosmetic purposes, others go for it to enhance their medical conditions such as hooded eye syndrome.

What Does Plastic Surgery on Asian Eyes in Turkey Involve?

An Asian eye surgery in Turkey involves various things, which include designing, sedation, and local anaesthetic injection. Designing involves marking the skin correctly to outline the medical plan. Sedation is where a surgeon intravenously injects a patient with sleeping medications.

After these two tasks, the surgeon injects numbing medication into the surgical section to prevent pain during the procedure. In Turkey, an Asian eyelid surgical procedure takes approximately an hour.

Types of Asian Eyelid Surgery in Turkey

Japanese, Chinese and other people from Asia have different types of eyes that vary based on the amount of fat, skin and other structural elements. As a result, one procedure doesn't meet all Asian patients' physical attributes.

A patient can decide to have one type of eyelid crease or two, each for an eyelid. With two eyelid surgery types, experts aim to achieve similarity so that the face can be uniform.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Eyelid Asian Surgery?

Any natural-looking eyelid balances age and healthy tissue or muscle. On top of that, it considers various factors like gender and age.

Before undergoing this procedure, you need to determine if you're a non-incisional or incisional candidate. Ideal candidates are adult women and men with healthy facial muscles and tissues.

If you’re the right candidate for an eyelid Asian surgical procedure and want to learn more, contact our experienced surgeon today for more details.


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